A few of my questions and answers.

Q: Is this for me?
A: CranioSacral Treatment is for any, and everyone, whatever age.
Q: Will the treatment be the right one for me?
A: There are many different types of treatment, from Osteopathy to Reiki. Having a CranioSacral treatment will help you to have a more informed idea whether it is the right one for you.
Q: Is it “Woo Woo”?!
A: No. A CranioSacral therapist uses the anatomy and physiology of the body just like doctors, surgeons, nurse practitioners and complementary therapists.
Q: Will it hurt?
A: No the gentle treatment will help you relax, soften and let go of held tensions.
Q: Will it be expensive?
A: Health and vitality will bring many benefits, both physical and emotional. It is an investment in yourself and future wellbeing.
Q: Is it for men as well?
A: CranioSacral treatments are for any and everyone. Men and women experience similar physical and emotional problems.
Q: Is it a counselling session?
A: No. Counselling is a different therapy.
Q: Can I drive afterwards?
A: Yes of course.
These are just a few of my questions. If you have any more and would like them answered get in touch and let’s have a talk. You may even decide that CranioSacral Therapy is for you!
I have trained with Upledger UK so please read more detail on their website http://www.upledger.co.uk/what-is-cst.html