The new year is a week old already, and its beginning to gather speed; one of my clients recently commented on how quickly the time has gone since the festive season.
Looking back since the beginning of January I thought about what I had done to improve my health, both physical and emotional; drinking less, not eating those Christmas goodies, taking a daily walk, getting on the bike as much as I can and doing more stretching after my exercise, reading more instead of watching endless You Tube videos on exercise and stretching and having bodywork treatments with Yvonne and other therapists.
Looking after your physical wellbeing is relatively easy, reducing the intake of naughty but nice items: biscuits, chocolate, wine and the rest, reducing the time sat down watching telly, reducing the stress in your life. But you can also add positive things that require little or no effort on your part, enjoying a few treats, fresh air and one very positive action that you can take is to have a CranioSacral treatment. Come in, lie down and begin the process of discovering relaxation and how it can be beneficial for your daily life.
With the year gathering momentum so soon, having a treatment that puts you more in control of your life may just be what you need to build a strong foundation for your physical and emotional health.
What’s coming up this year that will help me deliver a more powerful treatment that will help me to help you build a solid foundation for each of you? I will be attending regular study groups where fellow therapists get together to hone their individual skills, an upcoming Paediatric course run by Upledger Uk that will allow me to deliver CranioSacral treatments for babies and young children. At the same time I intend to continue reading as much as I can about CranioSacral Therapy and other forms of therapy, that will allow me to develop a deeper understanding of how I can help my clients.
See you soon.