What does Continuing Professional Development mean to you?
For therapists it means a few days away, hopefully not too far, in a quiet rural place with stunning views, where they can meet up with other CranioSacral Therapists and treat each other as well as receive treatments.
That’s what happened last weekend. I had been invited to attend a course in Eskdale in the Lakes along with 5 other therapists. It was an opportunity to chat and discuss the different aspects of CranioSacral therapy and how we can continue to develop our skills and practice to ensure that our expertise and knowledge is up to date.
It’s also important for us as therapists to experience what it is like being the person on the table. We experience the same feelings as our clients; after all we have become the client and our bodies have given permission to be treated, just as yours does when you lie on the couch. By having a treatment ourselves we have a much better understanding of the whole experience of CranioSacral Therapy and how it can make you feel.
Our bodies have their own histories and stories to tell and we need to be able to help release the hidden tensions within, in order to begin, or continue, the process of unwinding and rebalancing. It’s this rebalancing that leads to a better understanding of where we are and where we would like to go.
Here are a few thoughts about the course. It was a fantastic venue to hold a CranioSacral weekend. Eskdale is a stunning valley in the Western Lakes surrounded by the hills of Scafell, Lingmell, Illgill, Great Gable, Hardknott and many more. It wasn’t a walking or climbing weekend but it did provide a magnificent backdrop, made even more stunning with the caps of icy snow over the summits; definitely a place to return for some walking and cycling. It was good to meet the other therapists, some of whom I already knew and had experienced treatments with before. Everyone brought something different to the energy of the group. I took the lead with 4 treatments, received 4 treatments and assisted with 4 treatments. The excellent treatments I received brought up different stories that my body was experiencing which left me feeling settled and rebalanced, albeit a little tired.
There is due to be another one in autumn so I’m very much looking forward to attending that but in the meantime my practice has just got that little bit better.
Give me a call to have a chat about CranioSacral therapy; there is no obligation to book a treatment but it may give you something to think about, not just for yourself but for your children as well (I treat age 4 upwards), after all they have there own issues and would benefit from time on the table. I have some discounted offers available until the end of February.
Fritz Hrynyk MA, CST-T, MCSS of www.daleswaytherapies.co.uk.
Landline: 015396 21303 Mobile: 07817 665662